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Path59 helps companies become more efficient

Companies often implement digital technology but not in an impactful way. We believe that to truly make the most of emerging technologies, we first have understand the business needs they are to serve. This means understanding not only the customer processes, but the internal experiences as well as the level of technological knowledge held within the organisation.

We can help you disrupt your industry with technology

Astro comes batteries included. It takes the best parts of state-of-the-art tools and adds its own innovations.

C Suite Training

We help senior leadership teams get up to speed with the latest technology impacting their sector and get to grips with the innovation scene on their doorstep. So that your entire company becomes more efficient and productive.

Service visualisation

We use service blueprinting to create an overview of the entire organisation to allow you to understand current efficiencies and touchpoints throughout both the customer and internal journeys, allowing you to pinpoint areas for improvement.

Customer Journey

Whether that is on your website, online business, ecommerce site or even offline. Think of us as navigational experts, mapping out each step your customers take. Like explorers of old, we traverse the seas of touchpoints, crafting an expedition so engaging that customers become lifelong companions.

UX/Ui Analysis

Unleash the power of perception with our UX/UI Analysis consulting. We dive deep into the digital realm, dissecting every pixel and interaction. Just like a master sculptor refines marble into a masterpiece, we chisel away complexities, leaving behind a seamless user experience as captivating as a best-selling novel. Your customers won't just navigate – they'll be enthralled, effortlessly gliding through your digital domain. Let's sculpt success together.

Optimize Operations

Rev up your business engine with our Optimize Operations service. Imagine your company as a high-performance race car, roaring down the track of efficiency. We're your pit crew, fine-tuning every process and tightening every bolt. From the starting line to the checkered flag, we're there, ensuring each operation is as sleek and streamlined as a Formula One masterpiece. Get ready to leave your competition in the dust – because winning isn't a choice; it's the only option.

Using Data & Analytics

Transform raw data into a symphony of success with our Data & Analytics service. Think of data as the notes on a sheet, waiting for a maestro's touch. We step in as the conductor, wielding the baton of insight. Just as a virtuoso transforms notes into a mesmerizing melody, we convert data into strategies that resonate. Your company becomes a harmonious ensemble, playing the tune of growth and profitability. Let's compose a future where every decision hits the right note, every time.

man using emerging digital technolgy after being trained by our team of experts at path59

Meet Your Digital Transformation Experts

We are a team of over 20 experienced profesionals who are passionate about innovation. We use technology to create creative solutions that improve the service and experience of our clients.

We data analists, retired CEOs, website designers, ux & ui geniuses, cyber security experts and expert hackers. We are helping many companies reach futher than every before. Interested in meeting the team?

I want to meet the team

We are the best digital transformation platform

Our team's #1 prirority is clear. Making your company the most open and digitally innovative in your sector. Bring together your website, your marketing efforts and your customers to achieve even greater digital success. We have the best tech stack, the best partners and professionals so we can achieve the largest real impact on the world for your company.

Lines of Code
Emerging Technologies
Marketing Campaigns

We bring together technology & business

We'll work closely with each of your business units using a methodology we call "embedding" which allows us to deeply understand each of their business needs to offer the best solutions possible.

Thus, by sharing common objectives, we guide our clients through ideation, inspiration and design. We use Agile methodologies, leader groups and the automated continuous integration and distribution (CI /CD) to excell and provided the fastest possible solutions for you. By always putting our customers first and we accelerate their digital transformations like never before.

Launch your business into the digital age

Get in touch with us now to learn how we can use digital tools to take your business to the next level.